[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]FPV technology can seem extremely daunting to the new FPV drone pilot. Articles found in the FPV In-Depth and technical category are certain to dispel any uncertainties you may have about FPV drone racing technology. In-Depth and Technical articles will guide your learning of the technical side of FPV drone racing; Betaflight CLI Setup, Flight Controller Gyros, BlHeli and more are all covered by FPV In-Depth and Technical articles.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Ever go to arm your drone and it flips out on takeoff because a motor or two aren’t spinning the right direction? This article describes the easy way to fix this problem without having to resolder and tear apart your drone. This article was submitted through the GetFPV Community Program by Aidan Henriques. You can follow Aidan…
Reducing weight is key on FPV drones as its benefits are extremely great. Increasing flight performance and flight times can be done easily by simply reducing weight in a few ways that do not compromise performance or function in any significant way.
Most agree that digital video is the future of FPV, but racers have run into difficulty using the DJI digital FPV system at events. Erik Borra and Kelvin Williamson rejoin us for more depth and detail about holding an enjoyable race day for all.
HD video file sizes get enormous and I wanted to just record when I’m already up in the air or ready to do fun tricks, so I decided to play with UART camera control.
In this article, you’ll be learning how to enable RPM filtering on BLHeli_S ESC’s and in Betaflight. The use of rpm filtering enables your flight controller to use information from your ESC’s to better control the PID loop, and limit tuning issues.
Armattan has strong roots in the FPV freestyle industry. The manufacturer has developed high-quality frames—and backed them up with a lifetime warranty—for more years than many pilots have been flying FPV. What goes into frame design for revolutionary models such as the Chameleon? Where do these designs come from, and what goes into their production?
Digital FPV systems have been hype lingering around since the hobby began. As technologies progress more and more, manufacturers are bringing out their own digital FPV systems. The question is however, are digital FPV systems the future of the hobby? In this article, I will discuss the various issues and points regarding digital FPV to…
What separates a champion drone racing pilot from a novice? Better yet, what separates an average pilot from a novice? The obvious answer is of course skill and experience, but when you dig deeper and look at what skill and experience amount to, you find it really all boils down to lines – drone racing…
For the better part of 2018, one hot-button issue that keeps coming back up is whether we, as FPV pilots, should buy cheaper, cloned FPV products rather than pricier genuine products. All the industry titans like Trappy, Bardwell, Chad Kapper, and our own Tim Nilson have chimed in on the matter during one video/interview or another,…
Currently in the FPV drone market, you can buy or build a 5” quad copter for anywhere between $100 to $500. Pilots have an immense choice of parts, some of which are quality FPV drone electronics, others are not. In this article, I’ll discuss which key components you should be putting your money towards to…